Success! – $500 raised!

Success! – $500 raised!

Great news..

We reached our goal!

We have successfully raised $500 during our 25 Days of Christmas fundraiser.

There’s just one catch – The $500 was donated by two donors and they want to see if you’ll match it! Let’s shoot for $1000!

We still have 5 days until Christmas – It’s coming down to the wire!

If you feel called to do so, please donate to NotFatherless using the links below and help us meet this new goal.

Remember, 100% of your donations will go straight to the orphanages partnered with NotFatherless.

Happy Holidays!

Make an Impact this Christmas

Make an Impact this Christmas

The Christmas season is upon us!

Sometimes the hustle and bustle of the holidays can be overwhelming, so much at times, that we forget what is truly important and what the reason for the season is.

It can be tough to stay grounded and not let the bombardment of shopping ads, family get-togethers,  and winter weather put us in a bad mood.

This Year, we want to encourage you to keep in mind those of us that are less fortunate.

NotFatherless wants to make it a memorable holiday for those people.

That is why this December, we are counting down the days to Christmas and adding up your donations!

25 Days of Christmas

Our goal is to raise $500 by the 25th of December! And you can play a huge part in reaching that goal!

100% of your proceeds will go straight to the orphanages partnered with NotFatherless.

It may seem steep, but consider this: We have 40 people subscribed to our newsletter, if every one of those 40 people made a one-time donation of just $13 we would surpass our goal! it is definitely attainable.

We will be sending emails throughout the month with a tracker like the one above that, so that you can stay up to date with our progress.

Thanks in advance for your contributions and Happy Holidays!